Experimental Bloomery 5: The Bloom

high in some parts, with carbon contents as high as 0.8% occasionally observed at the surface and internal C values from zero to 0.5%. The carbon is present as iron…

The iron industry of Roman Britain

for Roman ironworks A scanned copy of the dissertation can be downloaded as a PDF (4.54Mb) NOTE: Individual chapters and sub-headings can be accessed by hyperlinks from the Contents page….

Organisation of Roman iron production in the Weald

…Appendix C  Case Study 2 – Standen – Geo-prospection Appendix D  Case Study 2 – Standen – Excavation and Deposit Sampling Bibliography The original text can be downloaded (44Mb PDF)…

WIRG Visit to Cumbria 2018

…has been organised by Tim Smith, Kay Smith and Ruth Brown. Kay and Ruth have done a reconnaissance in preparation and expectations are high. My personal objective is to make…

Experimental Ironmaking

…the Roman period. To date, we have produced tap slags of similar composition to those found in the field, but we have not yet produced the high densities generally exhibited…

Experimental Bloomery 1: Ore

high, this will prevent a bloom being produced even when the iron content of the ore would be sufficient. In one trial we conducted using an ore containing around 30%…