Smelting 2015

…remove most of the slag and all the charcoal and will reduce its volume and weight considerably. Outside dimensions: 1.5m high, 1.2m outer diameter at bottom, 0.6m at the top….

The Wealden Iron Industry

…by Jeremy Hodgkinson Paintings by Mike Codd © West Sussex County Council Reproduced from High Weald Anvil 2002 with the permission of the High Weald AONB Unit Discover where you

Adventure in Iron by Brian G. Awty

…using credit or debit cards should Contact the Editor. For more information about Adventure in Iron go to Contents pages (pdf) and Families of ironworkers described in the book (pdf)…

Experimental Bloomery 2: Ore-preparation

…of about 10mm diameter for smelting and also improves the rate of reduction since it is more permeable to gases. Not all of the iron carbonate is converted to iron…

Smelting Experiments in 2015

…~700mm by ~1250mm, with the wall 300mm high through which a ~25mm diameter iron tuyere is fixed. The end of the hearth is open to give easy access for raking…


…still useful. A searchable pdf of Wealden Iron can be downloaded online (119Mb file).  The earliest writing on the industry is the Historical and Archaeological Notices of the Iron Works…

Ashburnham Furnace

…a sluice in the pondbay via an open conduit or leat along the western side of the site, parallel to the track past the furnace cottages, then culverted beneath the…